Live Laugh Love but Legal

Well I know I haven't been posting for a while but now I have a completely different things to show you. Well, two days ago, I celebrated my 18th bday with my bestie Jana. Apparently, my real birthday is in 2 days, but Jana's was on 8th of November, so this sunday was perfect timing. We had an amazing time that night. It was really our night, as you can see below. Our friends really made that evening magical. So I hope you'll enjoy in this post. I've chosen this particular dress because of the sparkles and glitter..Well, who should be a star? Do you like my fake eyelashes? I adore them! Love you all, Soph!  

Paa, nisam postavljala neko vreme ali sada imam sasvim nesto drugacije da Vam pokazem. Pre dva dana, proslavila sam svoj 18ti rodjendan sa svojom najboljom drugaricom, Janom. Naime, moj pravi rodjendan je tek/vec za dva dana, ali janin je bio 8og, pa je nedelja bio savrsen tajming. I stvarno smo se predivno provele. Stvarno je to bilo nase vece, kao sto i mozete videti u nastavku. Nasi prijatelji su ucinili to vece jos boljim i mi im se iskreno zahvaljujemo na tome! Nadam se da cete i vi uzivati u post-u. Love you all, Soph.
All photos were taken by lovely Nevena B. Her instagram HERE

New Yorker dress
Stradivarius heels
Michael Kors watch
New Yorker coat


  1. Sandale su sjaaaaaaaaaajne! :)

    Pratim te <3

  2. hvala draga, evo i ja sam tebe <3 xxx
