At first, you all are going to say, like 22nd of October, what's so special in that specific day..As a matter of fact, it's NOT even her birthday..Well yes, but yesterday was a opening day of Belgrade Fashion Week!!!! Many days behind, I was aware of it.. but I knew I couldn't get a pass. Then, I'd always dream about that one day when I'll be able to attend it .. Suddenly, one day, out of nowhere,I got a call from my mother..She was all in a amazement and told me that one of hers co-workers, can get me a pass for the opening night..I stayed speechless for a couple of minutes..At that moment, I was so happy that I'd literally die, and everything'll be alright..I'm crazy, I know, but that just was my state of mind..I attended a show of famous serbian designer, Ana Ljubinkovic and it was pretty cool. She has a specific taste and she wasn't afraid of showing it! I loved it! I'd personally wear some of the pieces..Floral colar was absolute favorite for me, for sure. Below, you can see some highlights, enjoy!!Love, Sophie..xoxo
Kada ugledate naziv, verovatno cete svi pomisliti, sta je toliko zanimljivo u 22. oktobru, dan kao svaki drugi...Ocigledno jos nije ni rodjedan..Pa da, u pravu ste donekle! Rodjendan nije, ali zato otvaranje BFW svakako jeste! Mnogo dana pre samog pocetka, setila sam se bila da BFW uskoro pocinje, ali sam znala da necu moci da dobijem pass. Tada sam uvek razmisljala i sanjala o danu kada cu moci da posetim tu manifestaciju. Jednog dana, onako u sred nicega, mama me je zvala.. Bila je sva cudno uzbudjena i tajnovita..Napokon mi je saopstila da jedna od njenih koleginica moze da mi obezbedi pass za vece otvaranja..Ostala sam bez teksta narednih nekoliko minuta. Bila sam presrecna! U stvari, htela sam da placem od srece. Znam, nisam normalna, ali tako je.. Elem, sinoc, prisustovala sam reviji poznate srpske dizajnerke, Ane Ljubinkovic, i bilo je prilicno kul. Ona stvarno ima dosta specifican ukus i nije se bojala to da pokaze. Jako mi se svidelo. Svakako bih neki od komada nosila i sama. Cvetni okovratnici su bili ipak moj favorit! Ispod, mozete videti neke highlights-e, uzivajte!! Love, Sophie.xoxo
Really amazing