Red velvet cupcake

So, as the weather is 'so called' still good I decided to publish this outfit. I adore this maxi skirt. They are absolute hit maybe past 2, 3 years and I adore them, too. I've chosen this specific red velvet one because the moment I saw it, I knew it'd go amazing with almost every color. Also, the thing that I love about maxi skirts, is that they go extremely well with flats, rubber boots, loafers and I've also worn this one with my Jordans and it looked outrageously good. Below, you can see sparkles up, sparkles down and some red velvet cupcake in the middle. haha As I announced you, this period is extremely intense for me, I have all kind of exams at the moment from all kind of interesting and not so interesting subjects. But, I've chosen to go in general,grammar highschool so that is the way I have to roll.I hope you'll enjoy and sit back down on the couch, relax and wait for amazing outfits which are coming this weekend and following week. L.O.V.E, Sophie.
Pa, kako je vreme jos recimo dobro, odlucila sam da postavim ovaj outfit. Ja prosto obozavam ovu specificnu maxi suknju. One su vec pa recimo 2, 3 godine apsolutni hit i ja ih dosta volim. Ja sam odabrala bas ovu u bordo boji, red velvet boji, jer u trenutku kada sam je videla, znala sam i imala sam viziju u glavi da ce se super uklapati i da ce skoro svaka boja biti komplementarna ovoj. Razlog, zbog koga jos vise volim maxi suknje je taj sto stvarno super idu i uz baletanke, mokasine, cizme.. Ja sam ih nosila cak i uz moje Jordanke i nestvarno dobro je sve izgledalo. Ispod, u post-u, mozete videti malo sljokica dole, malo gore i jedan veliki red velvet cupcake u sredini.haha.Kao sto sam Vam vec rekla i najavila, ovaj period je usledio kao suvise naporan. Svi su krenuli da ispituju, daju sve vrste testova iz svih zivih i nezivih predmeta. Ali, ja sam ta koja je izabrala gimnaziju opsteg smera i to je put koji moram da sledim.Nadam se da cete uzivati u post-u, i budite strpljivi i ocekujte prelepe outfite koji predstoje, L.O.V.E, Sophie.
Photos by super talented N.B. 'she instagram herself like a bad b***h alert' haha. Do you recognize the song? It's 'Blood on the leaves' by Kanye West. Anyway, for N's instagram page click HEREEEEEEEEEE!

Pull and Bear skirt
Jagger jacket
H&M flats
H&M sunnies
C&A t-shirt


  1. Ovo ti je super :))) jako volim ove duge suknje i tekses u kombinaciji :)))

    1. Hvalaaa! Malo su ove slike mutnije, verovatno zbog svetla i doba dana! Da da, slazem se! :)) xoxo

  2. Predobar je blog. Bash mi se svidja kombinacija, a i fotografije su savrshene. xx

    1. Hvala ti dear! Ako mi neko poput tebe to kaze, onda stvarno verujem u to! :)

  3. Malo je reci da je divno. Sjajno stvarno! Veliki sam fan šljokica baš začine outfit, ovo je defiinitivno nešto sto ja volim da nosim, Bravo! :)

  4. you look amazing !

    1. thank you sweetheart! your blog is cool, too! xxx

  5. Savrseno!

    1. Hvala lovely! Pogledala sam i ja tvoj blog i jako je zanimljiv! :))
