When I had given a little sneak peek, little preview of this outfit to my girlfriends, they told me that it remind them of hit series 'Gossip Girl'. I was thinking about giving that name to a post, but I figured out that it's a bit hypocritical of me. I don't love GG. I can't tell that I hate it, it's a rough word and we shouldn't hate anything or anyone, but I'm just not into Blair, Serena, Chuck and all that. Of course I've watched some episodes just to be informed and to make sure I don't like it.haha. I'm more 'Breaking Bad', 'Criminal minds', 'CSI' type of person. So outfit below, as you can see, is for night out. Sadly, we had to capture it during the day, because of the light and stuff. Bad luck but what to do. So, I know, that this lace tights can look very trashy and cheap (my mum was shocked when she saw them) but I think I've found a way to make them look classy and cute. Do you agree? I hope you'll enjoy in this post.
Xoxo, gossip girl. (hahaha, you see I know something).
Kada sam mojim drugaricama pokazala ovaj outfit, sve su se slozile da ih podseca na popularnu seriju 'Gossip Girl'. Stoga, ja sam razmisljala da i dam naziv ovom post-u tako, ali sam ipak shvatila da bi to bilo malo licemerno, s obzirom da ja ne volim GG. Ne mogu da kazem da je mrzim, jer to stvarno teska rec i mislim da je jako ruzno nesto ili nekoga mrzeti, dovoljno je samo voleti, ali prosto nisam neki ljubitelj Blair, Serene, Chucka i svega toga. Naravno, odgledala sam par epizoda, cisto kako bih bila upucena i bila sigurna da to nije stvar koja mi se dopada.haha. Ja sam nekako vise' Breaking Bad', 'Criminal minds', 'CSI' osoba. Outfit ispod, kao sto mozete i videti, je predvidjen za vecernji izlazak. Nazalost, mi smo morali da ga slikamo tokom dana, zbog svetla i svega toga. Losa sreca ali sta mi tu mozemo. Elem, svesna sam toga da ove mrezaste carape stvarno mogu da deluju jeftino i neukusno (moja mama je bila u soku kada je videla sta sam kupila) ,ali smatram nekako da sam nasla nacin da ih izbalansiram i ucinim ih da izgledaju otmeno i prikladno. Slazete li se? Nadam se da cete uzivati u post-u.
Xoxo, gossip girl. (hahaha, vidite da ipak i ja znam ponesto iz GG).
H&M skirt
H&M lace tights
Bershka heels
Michael Kors watch
New Yorker shirt
C&A scarf
Six bracelet
I am ring
Say hello to my little friend, my photographer through her Instagram page click HERE HERE HERE N.B <3
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